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The C Language

The C language works the way God intended. There is no object oriented bullshit, cause worshipping objects is forbidden by the Bible, therefore worshiping abstract concepts of classes and attributes its totally forbidden. We was given the miracle of rationality, we can think and create concepts to explain abstract and physical activities, it is such a foolness to not use this blessing and depend on lazy and bloated tools of programming. Thats why C is the language made as God intended. You are the architect, the engineer, the mason. Everything the program does you have made it completely, it is all upon your control, thats why the C language is considered by some of the academia an mid-level language, because it works perfectly for both low and high level coding, its pointer arithmetic its one of the most beautiful concepts and tools that mankind itself has ever created to make their solutions come true. Thank you Ritchie. It is simple and perfect, the mother of all languages as Holy Mary is the mother of us all.